The Admissions Process At Coker University
Throughout your four years at Coker, the Trans4mations program guides you through a personalized sequence of experiences in and outside the classroom. By the time you graduate, you will have discovered knowledge, skills, and confidence to fuel success in all areas of your life.
ACCESS TRANS4MATIONS FORMS & RESOURCESIt’s Your Personal Trans4mation. Are You Ready to Get Started?
College is a fresh start. A new beginning. A chance to reinvent yourself.
With Trans4mations, each year of your college experience includes personalized programs and opportunities that are designed to transform you into who you want to be.
To help you along the way, we’ve developed two courses: Coker University 101 (CU 101) and Coker University 102 (CU 102).
CU 101 is designed to integrate first-year students academically and socially into the college environment. Students will develop an understanding of liberal arts education, an appreciation of the values and traditions behind the Coker experience, and a strong sense of belonging to the college community.
The course will improve learning and thinking skills, as well as self-management. Students will participate in a personal fitness assessment that provides basic information on student wellness, and will serve as a benchmark pre-test for comparison during physical education courses later in their college career. Additionally, students will attend four approved wellness activities.
CU 101 Mission and Objectives
As a part of a comprehensive first-year experience, the mission of Coker University 101 is to assist incoming students in their transition toward successful development in academic and non-academic areas of college life. The course is designed to pair first-year students with faculty, staff, and peer mentors (i.e., commissioners) who will:- Introduce students to the college environment and assist them in navigating the institution
- Equip students with basic academic success skills (e.g., effective study techniques, time management, academic integrity, etc.)
- Assist students with personal success skills (e.g., goal-setting, career and major exploration, etc.)
- Promote social interaction between students, and with faculty and staff
- Expose students to campus and regional cultural events and experiences
- Engage in service projects that benefit the campus, Hartsville, regional, state, or national communities
- Encourage individual growth by increasing awareness of human diversity, cultures, values, and beliefs
- Develop an understanding of personal health and well-being
There are two options for completing this second course.
1. For students who have not yet selected a major, CU 102 helps them engage in career and major exploration, while emphasizing the value of Coker’s liberal arts approach.Students will explore all academic programs and/or departments to learn about courses of study and career opportunities in each major. The seminars will guide students through projects and assessments in which they will identify their interests, values, skills, and abilities to help them define and clarify their academic and career plans.
2. When available, students who have selected their major may substitute a departmental first-year seminar specific to their intended major for CU 102. Each academic area will design experiences relevant to that area
Students transferring to Coker from another college may be eligible to exempt one or both of these First-Year Experience courses. Please contact the Office of the Provost for more information regarding possible exemptions.